The Leap Year

There is Life After Cancer

When you are going through active treatment for cancer it is almost impossible to think about life after cancer. Quite frankly you can barely concentrate on the next day, let alone the next year.

I still pinch myself that this is my life 12 months after finishing my last Herceptin treatment. Life after cancer is something that isn’t spoken about that much and I wish it was. I would have loved it if someone had said that “yes, life will change, but it will be better”. I could not have imagined that I would fulfil a lifelong dream of writing a book, walk the Tuscan countryside and spend a week in Greece on a yoga retreat in just over a year from my last day in an oncology ward.

I am not sad I got cancer, that wakeup call was what I needed and I am thankful every day for it. It might seem crazy to say that but I am here on the other side and I want to tell people who are going through cancer treatment now, that life gets better and better.

Take the opportunity to live life, you have a second chance, grab it!
Big love
Jane x

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