Finding Fifty | Life choices | Life Uncomplicated

A life long romance

This was me after doing 5 hours of yoga a day for 5 days. I have no make-up on, I haven’t brushed my hair (and I have a pretty sweaty top on too!) but here’s the thing, this is my favourite photo of myself.

I am technically now middle aged (whoa, didn’t think I would ever say that!) but I am more comfortable in my skin now than I ever have been. I’m happier, I laugh a lot more, I love my writer’s life and I don’t care if I leave the house without any make up on.

So, how does this happen? I’m not thirty anymore but I feel better than ever and I now realise that it is not what happens on the outside, it’s what happens on the inside. What I like to call an ‘inner glow’.

My yoga practice has definitely helped me find inner peace, sit still, listen to my body and find my breath but self-care has really been what has made the biggest difference to the way I live my life now.

“listen and look to yourself”

These words might sound pretty basic, but we aren’t very good at looking after ourselves. We don’t love ourselves enough. We human beings are miraculous in every way; quite frankly we should be doing a happy dance everyday because it is so awesome to be alive. Hola!

But we don’t.

Instead we hold onto the past, we’re cranky pants, angry ants and we turn things over and over in our minds until we make ourselves sick.

We are burnt-out, exhausted and fearful.

Sound familiar?

Well this was me too.

To say it was a shock to be diagnosed with breast cancer would be an understatement, my life fell apart and I didn’t know how to fix it.

I was lost, confused, scared, and most of all, I hated my life.

The truth is that there are better ways to live our lives than to be angry, sad, fearful and afraid.

When I first heard the words “love yourself”, I thought, ‘what a load of shizzle’. I thought the concept of loving yourself was vain and a bit self-important really. But I now know that if we don’t love ourselves we cannot transform our lives into the one we deserve.

You see, loving ourselves is about choice. It is the choice to be grateful, kind, positive and happy to ourselves every moment of the day.

I make these choices daily now, I spend time with people I love, I spend time in nature, I exercise, I do a job I love, eat well and live a calm and considered life.

The very first step in taking care of you is loving yourself and it is the most important relationship you will ever have.

Big Love Jane x

P.S I have just finished writing a free mini course “Take care of you”. You will find it with the below link. I loved writing it and I hope you do too! While you’re there, why not check out my e-course “Life Uncomplicated”.

Find out how you can live a more awesome and sparkly life (hint: it’s easy, hands-on and only AUD$47). It’s changed my life 🙂


Take care of you

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