The Christmas Jumper

This brings me to the rather recent (and quite alarming) trend of the Christmas jumper.

I’m really not sure where this all started, maybe it was that horrendous festive number that Colin Firth was wearing in Bridget Jones’s Dairy.

Since then they have gained traction as the “must have” of the festive season, when Burberry comes on board with a Christmas jumper then you know it’s serious. I am a fan.

Apparently there are “Ugly Christmas Jumper” contests held over the world, which is amazing really.

I must admit here that all my family members have a Christmas jumper. We wear them only during a cold Christmas (obviously too hot for Australia), there is something very unfashionable and daggy about it, but their appearance in December puts a smile on my face, regardless of how ugly and out of character in summer they are.

My jumper has reindeers and snowflakes; it instantly puts me in a festive mood. I have been known to wear it any time of the year really.

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