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7 daily rituals for self-care

We all but forget about looking after ourselves don’t we? #confession time, me too…

I have struggled with the concept of self-care, especially after I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago. I suffered from anxiety and neglected myself (all the time..) but I now know that looking after myself is the MOST important thing I can do for myself.

I have written about self-care rituals before, and it is part of my e-course 🙂 but it is an important topic that gets overlooked in our day-to-day lives.

Self-care has nothing to do with vanity, ego or even pride.

Looking after yourself is the exact opposite, it is in fact the key to lifelong happiness.

And this doesn’t just mean a trip to the day spa and having pedicures (although I do love them too!) it means committing yourself to self-care practices everyday so that they become second nature.

So, what we can incorporate in our everyday lives that will help with looking within, healing ourselves, shedding the past and being the best version of ourselves?

Well, I have 7 rituals for self-care in my tool box that I think you will love. They are my secret weapons.

🙂 Have a cup of tea before breakfast (my favourite is orange and cinnamon). There are literally thousands of flavours of tea available and buy yourself a gorgeous new cup too!

🙂 Buy yourself (or pick) a small bunch of fresh flowers.

🙂 Practice yoga or meditation – I am certifiably a yoga tragic and I cannot think of my life without it now. Yoga is a sure fire way of spending time with yourself, for yourself. Meditating is the epitome of self-care. When we feel as though we cannot afford the time to mediate, the truth is we cannot afford not to.

🙂 Journal it down – journaling is an act of self-care as it allows you to take time out and reflect on your day. Write down all the good things that happened during the day.

🙂 Take a long walk in nature – If you have ever travelled to Europe you may notice that it is common to take a leisurely walk after dinner outside in nature. It is an amazing thing to do for feeling a sense of wellbeing (even better if you have a furry friend).

🙂 Practice gratitude – if you are feeling low towards the end of the day practice a few minutes of gratitude. You can do this by pausing for a minute taking out a piece of paper (or a special gratitude journal, I definitely recommend one of those!) and write down 3-5 things or people that you are truly grateful for.

🙂 Settle in and relax into your own bedtime ritual. Sleep is paramount to our wellbeing; some ideas may include taking a warm bath with essential oils, reading a good book, listening to mediation music or a breathing practice.

Try incorporating these into your day for the next 7 days.

I think you might just fall in love with yourself.

Why not check out my free mini course “Take care of you”, you too will do a happy dance with all the ideas I tell you about 🙂

Take care of you

Big Love Jane x



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