
Merry Christmas

As December rolls around we find countless articles on how to survive Christmas, like it is an endurance race and for some, it is. “How to avoid a Christmas crisis” or “Ten tips for surviving Christmas”, these stories arm us with advice on how to reduce stress, budget for presents and lower our expectations of having the perfect festive season.

So how do you get through Christmas? It is meant to be the happiest time of the year, Christmas is supposed to be about family, we come together to share our love for one another, to share stories, to share a glass of wine (or two) and to exchange our gifts knowing that we have just the perfect thing for our loved ones. Isn’t it?

Is it something that we have to tolerate, to abide by, or can it be the fanciful and joyous time of the year that we see in movies and on the front pages of glossy magazines? Is it a fantasy or have we been tricked?

I am here to tell you that Christmas is awesome and I never miss a magical minute of it, even if that means a few tears in the tinsel.

I have had 49 Christmases. Some I don’t remember, some have been in far flung countries, some have been memorable for all the wrong reasons but many have been perfect.

The silly season; they don’t call it that for nothing.

Merry Christmas everyone. Big Love to you all.



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