Beach Walk

We couldn’t be near the beach and not take a walk on Christmas Day, it is a striking part of Australia.

Our friends also wanted to send the obligatory message and photos back to their families in England saying “Merry Christmas from the sunny shores of Australia” when it was sub zero temperature in the northern hemisphere.

A sandy path had been carved out in-between the foliage beside the beach house and it meandered across the scrubby dunes in a wonky fashion. We decided that we would use this track rather than the trail marked by the local council. This was possibly a wrong choice as my husband walked straight into a spider’s web and started doing that crazy dance you do when you have the silk threads from a spiders bum attached to your face. He was of course waving his arms about frantically hoping that the actual spider wasn’t crawling in his hair.

We had also underestimated the low range of the tee trees and as we were all wearing shorts this created sharp scratches on the lower part of our legs so when we all emerged from the pathway we looked like we had been attacked by a pack of feral cats.

But it was worth it, the sun was starting to melt into the horizon and the sky was the colour of gold. The rock pools shimmered and the waves were gently crashing into the milky coloured sand.

Who could not be mesmerized by this view, there was not another soul on the beach. We had it all to ourselves.

I have some of the most adorable and sweet photos of my children with their godmothers looking sun kissed and happy.

The rest of our Christmas week passed with more walks on the beach, visits to local wineries and breweries, lying by the pool, sun-baking (not me) and generally enjoying each other’s company and talking about our lives since we had last seen each other.

These are the memories to hold onto.

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